Panorama of my show at the DCCA. If you stop in during the month let me know and I will give you the tour.
Blog - On the Easel
A collection of updates, recent information and things that inspire me.
In progress
Work in progress, I still have a few days to go. Any guesses on what the title of this one might be? Don't post if I already told you about this one.
Common Era
Common Era, Oil on Linen, 60"x 48". This post is a bit overdue, I have been working on large paintings recently and they just gobble up all of your time. I started painting Trompe L'oeil paintings of toys in their bags and it occurred to me that the inflatable toys I had been doing in their packages would make a great still life subject if they wereblown up. The toys seem to me a perfect metaphor for the type of painting I do in that they appear to be solid and have mass but are just an illusion.
I like that the painting suggests a narrative with characters but is also just a still life.
This was a fun painting to do but a real test to my endurance, it took about two and a half months in the studio every day, all day, and a few nights scattered in for good measure.
Waffle Cones
This one has been done for a little while, I have been working on a huge project and I have just been too wrapped up to keep up with my blog. I made some changes to "Waffle Cones" and gave it a different background. I think I am done for now on this one. I learned some things that I have applied to the new big painting I am working on.
here is the old one it had a beachy feel-not any more
Produce... Re-Produced
I know, another corny title, but what am I supposed to do. In the back of my mind I make these posts with relative certainty that no one could possibly find them interesting but myself so I am jazzing things up a bit, woo hoo. Here is another painting in my ongoing series of revisiting recent works and changing them dramatically. Produce 20"x 22" oil on panel. Gone is the minimalists background and in with the maximalist.
Here is the old version of produce with the simple background. In retrospect I think I was trying to bridge the gap conceptually between all of the work I was doing by keeping these paintings as strictly still lifes. Everything in the painting was in the still life set up in my studio so of course it was linked to the other still lifes I was doing. Now I sort of don't care, I am going to follow my inspiration where it takes me.
Here is the still life in my studio to give an idea of how I was/am setting up paintings. Strangely, I now think the photos work really well and might someday be an avenue I explore. But for now this is where I am.